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The 5 points

National direction · Clear rules · Territorial networks · Defined roles · Rigour in measurement


OSA – Associated Healthcare Workers – is not just an active subject in the field of work and therefore of national economy. With Confcooperatives, of which it is a part, it is also the protagonist of the Third Sector, therefore, of the country’s social policies.

And it is by virtue of this more strategic function that our Cooperative operates, with respect to its own scenarios and in the structure of Confcooperative Sanità, on the front of a restructuring of the National Health System and, more generally, of the Health Planet.

The crucial issue is chronic care that, after decades of negligence or underestimation, also due to the devastating impact of the pandemic, has finally fully returned to the agenda of legislators and health administrators.

The formula of the “5 Points”, the result of the experience gained in the field, the know-how developed and the mission inherent in the cooperative movement, summarises in a concrete way the possible sequence of interventions necessary to address and solve the primary care deficit that condemns Italy to be the taillight in the rankings of civilizations of care.

It will be necessary to build a Single National Direction, headed by the State that will take on the burden of planning and controlling; define clear and unambiguous rules in the direction of authorisation and accreditation processes, overcoming the pernicious system of tenders; build territorial networks with General Practitioners, service pharmacies and healthcare providers; define the rolesof public, private profit and private non-profit; demand Rigourin measuring, not only in terms of quantity of services but above all in terms of quality or health outcome.

Giuseppe Milanese has invested on these topics in recent years, in the dual role of President of OSA and Confcooperative Sanità.

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