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the organisational model

OSA periodically reviews its organizational model in order to keep it constantly updated, for consistency and adequacy, according to the strategic lines of corporate development.

This choice creates a necessary tool for the construction of a system of equal rules for all member-workers that are based on democracy, participation and respect for rights and which also remains useful for all those stakeholders who, on a daily basis and for various reasons, come into contact with the Cooperative.

The organizational model provides for the adoption of a Strategic Area and an Operational Area, distinguished by skills and functions, which work in synergy to achieve common objectives thanks also to a continuous exchange of information. A corporate and organizational structure made possible by the choice that has always distinguished OSA, in line with the guidelines adopted, to create a system based on the division of tasks and responsibilities.

In summary:

• the Strategic Area coordinates all actions aimed at new development initiatives, the definition of models and the application of technology in the care sector. This unit includes: External Relations, the Strategic Finance Department, the Planning and Development Department and the Strategic Healthcare Department.

• The Operational Area plays the role of guarantor of the implementation of the strategies and the efficient execution of the services, controls the achievement of objectives, monitors the effectiveness indicators and controls the budget. This unit includes: the Operational Health Department, the Commercial and Administrative Department, the Personnel Department and the Common Services Department.

 Both areas work by supporting each other, coordinating, sharing control and information functions with the aim of correctly delivering, with ever-increasing quality standards, all the services that OSA offers.

Among the forms of protection of stakeholders with respect to the management of the company, in addition to the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Cooperative entrusts the auditing and certification of the financial statements to an independent auditing company and annually receives the cooperative audit by officials authorized by the MISE for the verification of the effective mutualistic nature of the entity. Furthermore, the 231 supervisory body is active which, in compliance with Legislative Decree 231/2001, guarantees compliance with the organization, management and control model that the Cooperative has adopted for the prevention and reduction of the risk of crimes involving interest or advantage of the organization.

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